When you create an Organisation with your own account, you automatically become a Super Manager for that organisation. You can then invite other people with different Roles to your Organisation. When you invite people to your Organisation you can select which Role you want to give them. Below is a table showing the various available roles and what functionality these roles will have.

 Super ManagerManagerProject ManagerApproverApp User
Add Organisations
Invite people to Organisations
Delete Users from Organisations
Add Projects and Sites
Invite People to Projects
Complete or Approve Inspections in the IMC
Use the Mobile App


  • When inviting Subcontractors, you can select the Maximum Role Level for their employees. If you set this to “Approver” then if their employee has Approver status, they will be able to Approve inspections on your Project too. Their users will also inherit all your other Project settings (such as the ability to add Sites).
  • You can allow Subcontractors to invite their own Subcontractors to your Project. If you do this the same rules apply as above. By default this option is switched off, i.e. Subcontractors cannot invite their own Subcontractors.

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