Please read Managing Inspections if you have not already done so. That page contains information about the different available inspection settings. This page explains the process required when the “Checklist Type” (Inspection Mode) of a Project is either set to the “In app checklist (approve in console)” or “Checklist in console” mode.

  1. Log into the Inspection Management Console (IMC) and go to “Inspections” in the main menu.
  2. Check the inspection status of the inspections show in the the list.
  3. If the inspection is set to “Awaiting Approval“, then you need to take action by tapping “EDIT
  4. Go to the “INSPECTION DETAIL” tab
  5. You will now see the inspection images, which you can make full screen by clicking on them.
  6. Underneath you see the checklist. If all the questions in the checklist are already ticked green, then all you need to do is verify these and then:
    1. Click “APPROVE” if you agree with the person who submitted the checklist
    2. Click the “x” behind any question you believe is does not comply and then:
      1. Click “REINSPECT“, if for example the image or images are not sufficient to determine the tower is safe to use.
      2. Click “DO NOT USE” if for example you have discovered something that makes it not safe to use the tower

Before you click either “REINSPECT” or “DO NOT USE” you must first leave some Approval Comments (optional when clicking “APPROVE“). You may want to explain which bit of the tower you want the app user to make a clearer picture of or which part of the tower is not safe.

The app user will now get a message and the tower status is set to red in the app. The app user must now either dismantle the tower and mark it as dismantled, or they need to fix the problem and re-inspect the tower.


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