This quick start guide only applies to the free Remote Inspection App (app) part of the system only. For instructions on how to use the online Inspection Management Console (IMC), please check out the Managing Inspections section and the Reference Manual.
Creating an account and logging in
In order to be able to use the app you need to create an account first. When starting the app for the first time tap “Register” and follow the instructions on your screen. Once you have registered you will be logged in automatically.
Terms and Conditions
If you use the Remote Inspection System for the first time you will be asked to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. You only need to agree to these once to unlock the system. Scroll down to the bottom of the Terms and Conditions page to see the button to confirm you have read and understood them.
App “home” page
When you have successfully logged in you will arrive in the Towers section of the app. At the top you a menu with 5 options:
- Search (magnifying glass) – takes you to the Tower Search page.
- Profile (person icon) – takes you to your Profile page.
- Near Me – shows all towers ordered by distance, the nearest at the top. For this to work you need a GPS signal.
- My Towers – shows all the towers you have added, with the oldest inspection at the top.
Adding your first Tower
Make sure you are in the Towers section, tap the blue + symbol. This will start a new inspection: New Tower.
- In “Job or Location” type something to more easily identify the tower later
- Choose the “Tower Type” you are inspecting
- A unique “Tower ID” will be automatically assigned. You may write this on the tower itself for easy identification of the tower.
- Tap “Continue” and on the next page fill in the remaining details. The “PASMA Certificate Number” is optional but recommended. If you are inspecting a tower that has been assembled by someone else, untick the box at the top and provide the details of the person who assembled the tower instead. Again the PASMA Certificate Number is optional but recommended. More about the PASMA Certificate Number in the Reference Manual.
- After choosing a platform height and whether the tower is assembled indoors or outdoors, tap “Continue to Inspection“.
Completing the Inspection
After adding the tower you will be asked to complete a Checklist. Depending on the type of tower there will be a different number of checks. Each check has a picture showing which part of the tower needs to be checked. You can only complete this checklist by confirming all checks. If you cannot confirm a specific check, then fix the problem first, before continuing the checklist.
When you have completed all checks, you will arrive on the Inspection Summary page. You must now add at least one picture of the tower you have just inspected by tapping the + symbol on the first empty thumbnail slot. The camera on your phone will start automatically.
You can add as many images as you feel are required to adequately record that the tower has been assembled correctly and that it is fit for use.
Once you are happy tap the “Complete” button. It may take a short while to upload your inspection (the more pictures you add the longer it takes). Once uploaded, your tower should appear on the Towers page. You can now check the tower details in the Tower Details page by tapping on that tower.
Re-inspecting a Tower
You should re-inspect towers as required by law. After a period of a set number of days (currently 7), the tower will turn red in the Towers page to indicate that it should be re-inspected.
To re-inspect a tower simply tap on it in the list. This will take you to the Tower Details page. At the top of the page tap “Start New Inspection“. You will go then go straight to the Checklist. You will also need to provide a new photograph or photographs of the tower.
If the tower has been altered, you should start an entirely new inspection instead and mark the “old” one as dismantled (see below).
Marking a Tower as Dismantled
Once you have dismantled a tower (or altered a tower and created a new one), then simply tap the tower you want to mark as dismantled and at the bottom of the Tower Details page tap “Mark as Dismantled“. You are asked to confirm this. Once marked as dismantled, the tower will disappear from the Towers page.